Customer Information

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Customer Information

Customer Satisfaction

  • Please rate from 1 to 5 on the mentioned survey parameters. *
  • Poor = 1 ; Acceptable = 3 ; Excellent = 5
  • This questionnaire is issued on a rating system from 1(poor) to 5 (excellent), 3 being an acceptable level of service. Please select the number, which most accurately reflects your satisfaction level.
Product Supplies in accordance with specifications.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Response to the Enquiry.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Availability of relevant manuals/test reports along with products.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Communication of required information.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Quality of service provided.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Hospitality extended.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Response to your request/variations.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Response to the problems/complaints.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Delivery performance.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
Value for money.*
1 is Poor, 5 is Excellent
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